Our Work
To look into some previous work, simply click on the below link to be taken to live custom reporting dashboards, utilising the Google suite:
Utilising a Google Form, we are able to efficiently enter a mere few lines of information about a recent round performance to beautifully demonstrate performance trends and create stunning visuals to really paint a picture of this year in golf.
This can easily be replicated for anything that can be analysed, be it business data, charity work, data collection or even personal finance, with all custom dashboards being completely secure with the ability to set stringent permissions.
With direct connectors to Google Analytics, we are able to seamlessly integrate and analyse you inbound website traffic to best inform you about strategic marketing and website funnel decisions.
Running and manipulating Excel documents to gain insights is no longer necessary when you are able to combine multiple interactive fields into easy to understand reporting dashboards for you business to use and build on.